“Those who surrender freedom for security
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
- Benjamin Franklin
The reports of unarmed black men being murdered in cold blood has reached the point where I can't help but think, the powers that be are attempting to provoke an uprising in the countries urban areas. The past being the best predictor of the natural progression of these kinds of killings, it is easy to predict what will eventually happen when the people have had enough brutal treatment and murder of their young men.
That then, begs the question, why would they do that? Why would cops across the country continue to push the masses with their total disregard for the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of black men, the poor, and the homeless?
Perhaps the answer can be found in the laws now in place, which allows our "government" to take actions never before legal in our great country. We all witnessed these laws being proposed and then signed into law. We were told they were for our safety and security. We allowed our government to enact laws which essentially traded our liberties for what we were told was our safety. Anyone who stood in opposition were drowned out by the constant refrain of fear and terror.If that didn't quite them, the brave few that spoke up were called unpatriotic, smeared and in some cases eliminated.
We were warned, of the slippery slope these laws created, and we were powerless to rescind or change them. The laws stayed on the books and were extended and remain to this day. Along with the warnings we heard the rumors. People spoke of concentration camps and plans to cage all those the government unilaterally declared enemy combatants, belligerent dissenters, terrorist and even potential terrorist. (
see the list according to the Dept of Homeland Security)
The rumors of
FEMA camps and plans of the
government to round up urban youth and a long list of others they have defined as potential terrorist are no longer , theory or rumor. The facts are no longer hidden or a secret. Anyone inclined to learn what the
National Defense Authorization Act allows the government to do, need only google it and read. The truth is chilling and seems to explain the inclination of the law enforcement community to continue to commit such acts without the slightest hesitation.
Patriot Act which legalizes indefinite detention, warrantless searches and judicial free wiretaps, suspension of habeas Corpus (right to due process) all violate the United States Constitution and should have never been authorized or enacted. The founding fathers, hypocrites and white supremacist every one of them, nonetheless understood the danger of tyrannical governmental powers and constructed the constitution to safeguard future generations from what we are now subject to.
The American ideal of freedom and due process of law and equal protection under the law has not always been the right of all that lived in America, but theoretically today it is, and now we find ourselves with an adulterated, watered down, and tyrannical version of our constitution. Why is that? I have many theories and there are many more that I have yet to hear or consider, but the common consensus seems to truly be a common consensus. When the far left and the far right of the political spectrum are claiming the same conspiracy is to blame, that conspiracy moves from theory to the realm of likely culprit.
What is that theory? What are the left and right claiming simultaneously? It is something that requires one to avail himself with certain knowledge in order to make a valued judgment, and arrive at an informed conclusion. Ironically, at the first time in human history when such knowledge is readily available for all who want it, most have no interest in it, thus our current predicament.
Kanye and Kim, gay marriage, what this movie star or that musician has done, and a million other completely irrelevant pseudo news stories have clogged our brains with mush, and occupied our time and made us like lambs being led to the slaughter. The real important news is easy to identify, it is what the main stream media and prevailing wisdom, tag as conspiracy theory, and swiftly dismiss and lambaste anyone inclined to discuss it.
The real news explains what we are witnessing across the country. It explains why the pain, suffering and lives of people of color and the poor are so easily disregarded by the power structure and political pundits and politicians.
The real news is the plans they have to neutralize and eliminate us. That is where the actions of the police and federal agents and agent provocateurs converge and begin to make sense.
After many years of research I have learned many things, but one thing stands out and sheds light on what is happening around us. There is a equation of sorts, one that the powers always seem to apply.
Problem, Reaction, Solution. This is how they operate. They create a problem, in this case, it is the problem of the wanton murder of the innocent by the police. The reaction, is what the people have always done when they have taken all the oppression they can stand. This reaction is called a riot by the powers but could more correctly be termed an uprising. The solution, is spelled out in the laws mentioned above, the plans to quell civil unrest, to maintain the rule of law.
In my humble opinion, it is all a setup. A growing set of provocations which will enviably lead to mass uprising which will be the justification for the mass incarceration and elimination of those with an inclination to oppose the powers that be and their plans.
I may be wrong, I actually hope I am. What do you think.
Here is what is happening.
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