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Is it the kind of fastidious person that irons his socks and brushes his teeth with ajax ? Or, is it someone pushing the envelope in a conscience attempt to cause a commotion and draw attention, thereby starting a trend.
I'll put my money on the later.
What would a trend like this lead to? Some say nothing, others see ominous things in a future where public appearances of politicians are infected with assault rifles and 9mm hand guns.
In my opinion this is another ploy likely to be picked up by the administrations' enemies and exploited by gun nuts and hard core partisans alike . But to what end?
The code of the street has always been never draw a weapon you don't intend on using. Why would this be any different? I hate to say it but I feel like there is an attempt to stir up enough anti-Obama sentiment to cause one imbalanced gun owner to take a shot.
With so much recent evidence that a nut plus a gun equals tragedy you would think that the people in the rally, Anti-Obama and all, would express at least a tiny bit of apprehension, but not a word from that tribe.
Did they all go home and clean their guns and chart the Presidents next stop?
The bigger question is what happens to America if they do take a shot at Brother Barack?
What do you think?
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