Guy goes into a bar, there's a robot bartender. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini." The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "168". The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology. The guy leaves, but he is curious, so he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says,"What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini". Again, the robot makes a great martini, gives it to the man and says, "Whets your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser and John Deere tractors. The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini", and the robot brings him another great martini. The robot then says, "Whets your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50." The robot leans in real close and says, "So, you people still happy you voted for Obama?"
I received this e-mail today, and to say the least it came right on time, as I was pressed to find a topic and spit out a few pages before sundown.
A dear friend sent me this joke and I'm sure she knew I would not find it funny, but I did. The funny part about this joke, is in fact the punch line. It's ironic that all of a sudden there is a segment of our population that thinks that the people that voted for our president are of low IQ. How ironic.
I decided that I will start a tradition, The Friday Night Rant. Here it goes.
Obama supporters dumb? By definition if you didn't support our president you had to be of lacking intellectual abilities and poor political acumen. To now make jokes about our presidents intelligence seems like a year late and a few nickles short.
This is a growing population, the dumber than Palin crowd, they haven't the brain power combined to break free from mind jerking right wing rebel yell idiots, along the lines of Limbaugh and Beck.
This is the bottom of the political barrel, not concerned with anything real as long as they have their fantasy world to seek refuge in. They are cowards, for not saying what really is on their minds. The bunch of them, the morons in Texas that want to succeed from the union, the tea baggers, Michael Steele's punk ass, the birthers and the paranoid red neck with two sons in Iraq. They are all afraid of the same thing.
Their days in power are over. They can't muster any real issue to champion, so they poo poo anything that is getting done. Just like a spoiled child.
The thing that they fear is that what happened to Tennis and Golf and Basketball and Football and Music and Culture in America, is happening in Politics and Government.
They see in Barack Obama the fear of their forefather that knew deep in their hearts that an oppressed people will one day rise. They fear that the rise will not be violent, as they always expected. No they fear there will be a rise of wise, professional, dynamic politician that will enact and reform and change this country until you wouldn't know our bitter past because of our bright future.
They see Tiger Woods in Obama, is that why they didn't let black folks play the game on the same course as they did? They see Duval Patrick and Cory Booker and then they look at their line up and know what the score will be. So they rant and rave and project their head trips onto us, the smart people that used our vote for change, come what may !
How can you believe that a shell shocked powder keg of a man and a nice looking half wit could have done anything but kill any hope for America and it's place in the world.
What a laughing stock we would be had these peons had their way. These are the numb skulls that quit eating "french fries" when France was smart enough to see through the rice paper thin reasons to invade a sovereign country.Then they continued to eat the artery clogging trans fatty spud strings, but called them Freedom fries.
These are the mutants that when Bush said we were attacked on 9/11 because they" hated our freedom" they went out and got bumper stickers and tattoos with that saying on them. They are the people that have apparently suffered brain damage from the fumes at NASCAR and therefore act like fools, in public, on camera.
I say let them all move to Texas and become the United States of Ignorance and tell them to build a fence on their northern border.