Thursday, August 27, 2009

Eat at your own Risk - Part 5 : Boycott Everything !

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.*”—Prince Philip

We have learned a few things on the fairly long journey to part 5.

Lets review.

1)Genetically Modified foods are being patented by multi-national corporations and sold without labels in the US. GM Crops are cross pollinating non-GM, natural crops and the Corporations are flexing their legal/economic muscle by suing farmers that are the victims of inadvertent cross pollination.

2)The possibility of cross pollination by “Suicide” genes is a danger that exist.

3)Big Agra businesses are attempting to privatize food around the globe.

4)Pharmaceutical , Chemical, Oil , Agricultural corporations have infiltrated governments as well the WTO, the WFO and the WHO and have set up “advisory boards, trade councils and other organizations to influence these “world” bodies to increase their profits with little concern for the safety of their products or the wellbeing of the humans that consume them..

5)Eugenics and the belief in Eugenic as was the basis for Genocide in world war II. Nazism and Eugenics are like two peas in a pod.

6)Some of the wealthiest families in the world are still believers in Eugenics.

7)Eugenics = White Supremacy -but not all white people are genetically desirable.

8)There is a plan afoot to reduce the population of the planet earth by 5.5 billion.

9)Coal-fired power plants are emitting Mercury which is ending up in fish everywhere.

10)Codex Alimentarius, founded by war criminals will soon be setting international standards of food and vitamins and has attempted to outlaw nutrients. Codex is the advisory body that the United Nations bases international policy on.

11) Powerful entities are claiming that the world is “Over Populated”.

12)The Georgia Guide Stones proclaim the intention of someone to reduce the population to 500 million as well as control “reproduction” in the future.

If any of the above-mentioned information hasn't been made clear, you should take the time and research each one, so you may have your own understanding. If you have watched the videos and listened to the audio files you should be well armed with information.

Is the planet overpopulated ? Lets do the math.

There are 6 billion of us in the human family. ( 6,000,000,000)
The total surface of earth is 196,935,000 sq miles, oceans and all.
The total surface not covered in water is 57,500,000 square miles.
To each square mile there is 640 square acres.

This is the way we figure it out.

Take the total land above water 57,500,000 square miles multiply it by 640 acres per square mile, we get.36,800,000,000 square acres of land on the planet earth. That is thirty six trillion, eight hundred billion square acres.

Divide that among the 6 billion members of our human family and each human gets 6.14 acres.

But who needs 6.14 acres plus some of that land is not good to live on. Some of this land is desert and hills and very remote and there is not high speed Internet available on most of that land. So lets say everyone needs a third of that 6.14acres. Just 2.05 acres each. Or twelve trillion, three hundred million acres. That is still less than half of the land surface of the earth. If we only had ¼ acre plots each, that would only consume 1.5 trillion square acres. We could all live on 1/36th of the land on earth.

So space is not what we are running out of. What are all of these world bodies and think tanks flipping out about? What is the problem, as they see it?

The problem is not there are too many people for earth, just too many for the corporations that want to control earths resources. Perhaps they remember the French Revolution. They know that the larger the gap between those that have and those that have not, the more likely that the people will rise up and forcibly re-distribute the remaining resources

They know, that as they tighten the noose around humanities neck by hording the resources of our planet, that it is likely that we will not stand for it and will rise up and put an end to them.

Why do so many claim there is a over population problem?

People around the globe have accepted the fake facts that the corporate financed media pushes because they have not ever thought to question things they hear all the time. We have become a busy, passive, disinterested and apathetic heard of sheep.

If you ask someone if they think the earth is “over-populated” most will agree that it is. Many, think they have insight into the problem, and they will go on to recite how the worlds resources are dwindling and we are nearing critical mass as it relates to how we use the worlds resources.

Not one of those people has ever questioned the hypothesis of over population and therefore have never had a desire to check the facts. It's a common tactic, tell a blatant lie repeatedly and constantly and eventually it will be accepted as fact, by some. The others are castigated as “Conspiracy Theorist”, discredit the messenger and the lie lives. Same old BS they use for all the problems they get called out on.

Consequently, in true Malthusian fashion they intend to “positively” affect the death rate to lessen the number of humans they have to control. Simple crowd control, and they have convinced most of us that there is good reason to do this.

Let us treat this as if it were a murder investigation. (one day it may be)

Homicide detectives look for three things. Means, Motive and Opportunity. Let us start with Motive.


I think one of the mistakes made by others that have discovered this complex plan is, they attempt to attribute the actions of a diverse set of entities to one motive. I reject those theories.

Mutually beneficial, individual motives exist. The corporations are doing what they are mandated to do. They seek increasing profits by expanding markets and product lines while reducing cost and optimizing production. This is why genetically modified foods were created in the first place, to make more money by increasing crop yields.

The Eugenicist motives are a desire to render the planet perfect and they feel that 9/10 of the people are spoiling their plans of a genetically pure, superior race, docile and easily controlled . They have stated their position over and over again in many publications and even on a set of stone monuments in Georgia.

We the people, want to be able to eat every day, multiple times if possible so we consume the GM foods because they are cheap, abundant and in the US we have no idea which foods are GM so most of us don't even know we are eating them..

The governments officials that cleared the way for GM foods to enter our local markets are supported by the corporations via campaign contributions and the possibility of post public service employment. The officials that allowed this situation to take rise may not want to kill 5.5 billion people, but they do want security in a capitalist society. That can only be achieved with money. The corporations see to it that they get sumptuous sums of money so they get their proverbial water carried.

It does not have to be one big conspiracy. Several self serving interest groups can deliver us to where we are.


The opportunity exist for all of these sectors to achieve their goals. The corporations can make more money. The eugenicist can trim the population and people will have to eat everyday in the process.

I purposely left out pages and pages of proof that GM foods and the process of genetically engineering organisms is mind numbingly dangerous. The details of that can be gathered by anyone with internet access. I figured if I put it all into this one set of articles, you might get bored and stop reading and thereby nullify all interest in the subject matter.

Learn about how dangerous GM can be, Google it, read it and you decide. I will provide a lecture about GM dangers at the bottom of this page.

The third part to a criminal investigation is MEANS. Can someone do it.


The vast fortunes of the big corporations provide the means to do just about anything they want.

The eugenicist have means as well. They have positions in governments and advisory boards and they are likely to be anywhere you can find rich racist. Their plan of de-population can be achieved best through epidemic as we discovered in part 4b of this article. Although war and famine all fit into their Malthusian mindsets. Epidemics are best suited to perpetrate a mass kill of billions.

If Codex is implemented humans will be deprived of nutritional fortitude and become open to a host of opportunistic ailments, like MRSA or the swine flu. The poor will be the first to go, through famine, epidemic and wars. They will be comparatively easy to dispose of.

The people in the first world will not be as easy. We will have to be tricked into believing we are in danger and we always seem to fall for this ploy. We will then voluntarily accept what they give us, like a flu shot for instance.

Recent media hype about the so-called Swine Flu should raise red flags in the minds of the well informed. Reports that the fall of 2009 will be a time when 50% of the US population will get the swine flu will be their justification to inoculate us against H1N1.

Who is making the vaccinations? You guessed it, the pharmaceutical conglomerates, they have been given the money to develop a shot and amazingly less than six months after the first cases of H1N1 popped up in Mexico, they have one ready.

There is no way they could have tested the effectiveness or safety of such a hastily created vaccination, so their flunkies at the FDA and CDC have cleared the way for a untested , unknown virus to be injected into the population of the world.

If we are weak and malnourished we will get the flu and MRSA and what ever else we are exposed to.

If we accept the shot, who knows what we are really getting.

So what do we do?

We boycott everything that these merchants of death sell. Just stop buying their products. Deprive them of the one thing they want more than anything else, our money.

Change the way you eat. Buy locally grown organic foods from small farmers, at farmers markets and always make sure you ask if the crops are GM. If they are don't buy them.

The free market does exist. We are the market and we are free to not buy their bullshit.

If you shop at a large chain supermarket, speak to the manager and look them in the eyes and tell them that you don't eat GM foods and even though there is not requirement to label them, you demand to know what that market sells that is GM, so you can avoid them. Refuse to support any entity that won't disclose what GM foods they sell. Hit them in the pockets and keep hitting them.

Walmart changed their policy on milk with growth hormones in it. Why, because the customers told them they would not buy milk at Walmart if they were not sure of it's purity. Walmart now does not sell milk that has bovine growth hormone in it.

The market place is what we allow it to be.

Do you know why they don't sell rotten maggot infested pig heads in supermarkets?

Because they don't sell. If something stops selling, it is no longer sold.

You can take control of your diet in many ways. Growing your own food if you can.

Learn about Organic Gardening, hydroponic gardening and other methods of hi intensity
and non-chemical farming.

If you are not sure that rib eye steak was not given growth hormones , don't eat it.

And when in doubt, do without !

Educate yourself about the prevalence of corn and soy products that find their way into all of the foods we eat.

Tell people what you have learned, teach your children what you learned and keep researching and digging and informing yourself. Turn the TV off and open a book or surf the Internet for quality information from reputable sources and soak it up.

The seeds of destruction have been planted and whether you believe it or not there are rich people that want to kill you and you have a choice to make. Will you eat to live or live to eat. If you have made the connections and understand that all these things are connected, you will prevail.

Now go out and Boycott everything those evil bastards sell !!!!!!

Shut Em Down !

Food for thought and food for people- Download

Patents_ Bio-piracy _ Globalization part 1

Patents_ Biopiracy _ Globalization Part 2 -Download

Andrew Kimbrell - Genetic Engineering- download

Food that kills - THE POLITICS OF OBESITY part 1 - download

Food that kills - THE POLITICS OF OBESITY part 2 - download

Unchecked Power of Global Corporations - download

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