Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama as Oreo

The more things change the more they stay the same.

I have been trying not to write about the obviously racist mobs and their corporate provocateurs that have been hijacking the news, progress and attention around the country. I gave up on not writing about this today. It happens to be the most relevant and potentially dangerous situations facing Americans.

Joe Wilson, a son of the south and member of the Sons of the Confederacy is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I think Jimmy Carter is right, but I think he hasn’t even imagined the depth and seriousness of the situation. The fervor is heating up and the likelihood of something tragic seems to be increasing and we go about our days with the same level of interest as any other time. We have no choice, what can we do?

This feeling of being powerless against the onslaught is, in fact, the same feeling that has fueled the crazies on the right, warranted or not.

I have been accused of drinking the administrations Kool-Aid and being oblivious to the truth of politics, I don’t think so.

I have no illusions about the nature of the game or the players. Politicians are designed to fail the people while insuring re-election with theatrics and election year antics. I know it is unlikely that they will bite the corporate hand that feeds them. But they should, in some cases.

I realize that things get done when money is behind their achievement. I know that Dem or Repub both care more about what large businesses want than what we the people want.

That is why it cost nearly a billion dollars to campaign to get a job that pays less then three hundred grand.

That having been stated, I have been waiting for Barack to flip the script on the world and come out swinging against the obvious racist banter, special interest inspired public demonstrations and the general atmosphere of deception, but he hasn’t to any effective degree, and I fear he never will.

The opposition is so clearly without basis other than their dislike of living under the leadership of a black man, that any claim they make can be counted on to be wrong,mis-stated, slanted or so far from reality that trying to dismantle it would prove to be a waste of time. They don’t like our half black president. Therein is a most juicy ironic morsel.

Barack Obama is not as “black” as they think he is, or at least as the stereo types require him to be. Perhaps, being raised in Hawaii, by loving grandparents, did not allow him to build the callus I think would be helpful in putting the nuts back in their place and taking control of the situation. Or maybe he is doing a Jackie Robinson and struggles with going off on the opposition daily. I’m undecided, but I wonder.

Perhaps if his mother were a Black American and his father a white Kenyan student, he may have had the benefit of a little hood grooming, some street wit and a dis-detector, to allow him to know when a lug is being thrown at him. He might have developed a defensive mechanism, like the kind you must have in order to maintain dignity in some urban situations.

If he was raised by a “Big Mama” in an urban setting, he might have never been elected President of the United States. He would have likely snapped during the outrageous non sense of the campaign, and mistakenly told a reporter exactly what he felt about Bill in South Carolina. Maybe he would be no different at all than he is now. I’m stumped, but I suspect that he might have been a bit different than the Obama we know.

What if, one day, Obama called a press conference and called out the liars and bigots and then took his majority in congress and the senate and ran rough shod over the weak republican opposition. What would be the difference in reaction than he’s getting now?

Would that ratchet up their outrage? Could it be ratcheted up?

What would happen if he looked into the cameras and told the displeased populous, that he knew there were people and politicians that didn’t like him, simply because he is half black, and it’s too bad for them, cause he is the president and he’s going to move forward regardless of what they think or do. That he is in charge and they are sore losers that need to love our country or leave it.

Then double dog dare anyone to utter a lie or cloud the issues further, and if they do, proceed to wear them out in every public setting possible. Make them the verbal whipping boy, of the President of the United States of America and don't stop. He might need to confer with Eminem and get some pointers on the proper use of a well placed dis.

Would the resulting right wing firestorm be any bigger or hotter than it is now? I doubt it.

What do you think?

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