The mercury found in fish is said to come from the emissions of coal-fired power plants. When consumed by humans, mercury is reported to damage our nervous systems and cause learning disabilities in young children. There goes the "clean coal" myth.
Here, I thought, is another reason for a diligent attempt to implement clean energy alternatives.
That thought collided with other bits and pieces of fact that had been laying dormant in my head for who knows how long and the resulting epiphany disturbed me and if you require food to maintain your quality of life, it should shake you as well.
Who would oppose such a no-brainer as clean energy and the benefits of eating wholesome healthy non-toxic food. The answers I found connected so many of the relevant issues of our time, I feared that there would be no way to communicate them without hundreds of pages of annotated text.
Being a chronic optimist as well as an avid fisherman, (which everyone knows is the same thing) I remembered an over used but none the less factual saying. Where there is a will there is a way. Therefore I will try to break it down into a few, comparatively short segments designed not to bore you to death and perhaps spark a desire within you to research what follows.
If you could care less about your health and don't want to know what is going on with your food, you should stop reading now, stuff a big mac in your mouth and go watch Jerry Springer. However if you are actively seeking good days and a longer life, read on.
Is food really that important ?
We humans like to eat and depending on our ability and desire, we usually eat at least twice a day. Some get three squares. Regretfully there are perhaps billions that only get one meal a day and I'm sure many millions that don't get to eat every day. So, yes, food is that important, perhaps more important than every thing else that we need other than oxygen and water.
Being such an important aspect of our lives, you would think that we would be more interested in where it comes from, what is in it and who is providing it.
So, who is producing our food?
The process of answering that question led me down many tributaries and ultimately pointed me in the direction of some familiar names. Monsanto, ADM, Nestles, etc. Big businesses. Multi-national corporations, conglomerates are who is feeding most of the people on our planet. Food is big business.There are big bucks made by those who sell us our sustenance. I have a deep seated belief that anywhere large profits reside, you can bet there is some slick shit going on in close proximity.
Sure enough there is some slick, sick, and I think evil things going on with our food. For instance. Genetically Modified Foods. What exactly does that mean?
It means that some scientist, in some lab, somewhere, invaded the genes of every day organic matter and modified it, for increased production and thereby increased profits. These scientist often work for one of a handful of chemical companies with agra-business subsidiaries who have in recent years pulled a fast one on human kind.
There was a time that no matter what you did to modify a living thing from it's original state, you were not allowed to patent that modification and own the resulting modified life form. That has changed.
Genetically engineered crops are protected by patents around the world and just like any other patented item, the holder of the patent can seek redress in a court of law, if their rights are violated. That doesn't seem like a problem until you realize that when the corn plant or the genetically adulterated soy bean sends it's pollen into the wild blue yonder, it pollinates without a concern for the sanctity of patents and any of the same genus and species will do. Now you have the genetically tampered with crop spreading it's modifications to other fields of other farmers that may not dig the whole gene-splicing thing, but too bad, it's done.
To add injury to the pollination process the holders of those patents are bringing lawsuits against innocent farmers when they discover their patented gene in the farmers fields. How do they know their gene is in the farmers fields? They have a squad of "security" personnel who sneak into fields and take/steal samples of the innocent farmers crops and test for their gene.
Monsanto is the most notorious of the gene tamperers. They also have a record of winning lawsuits against farmers who have unwittingly been a host to the pollen of GM crops.
See: The Future of Food
Monsanto, the manufacturer of "round up" herbicide has what they call "round up ready" seeds, which will not be killed by the very powerful herbicide "Round Up". They also promise greater yields and for that increase in profit, farmers sign contracts that essentially state that they will not keep a portion of their crop for seeding next years crop, rather they agree to buy next years seeds from Monsanto.
The seed is being monopolized and food is being privatized. In addition, the GM crops appear to be of a reduced nutritional value. Which is where I will pick up on tomorrow.
To get a clearer understanding of what this privatization of the seed means for you, take the time to watch Ms. Vandana Shiva explain it in the video at the bottom of this page.
The story gets so much scarier and so much more unbelievable you must check it out for your self or you will not believe it.
Tomorrow, I'll get to the second part: Rich People want to Kill you.
In the mean time, What do you think?
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