Genesis 1:11
In the first part of this article I discussed how multi-national corporations are patenting the seeds of genetically modified crops and how they ruthlessly enforce their patent rights against farmers who's fields have been contaminated with the pollen of patented crops. The monster Agricultural, Pharmaceutical and Chemical commercial interest appear to be working toward a goal of privatizing the means by which mankind feeds it's self.
If you had time to view the video lecture at the bottom of part one you have seen how the powerful businesses involved in the production of our food have been able to patent genetically altered plants and seeds as well as the effects of this on the land and farmers of India.
More disturbing is the talk of genetically modified crops which posses what is called a “suicide” gene. A modification which causes adult plants to produce sterile seed and die off to prevent use as seed stock for the following year. Once again the profit mandate over rules the interest of mankind as well as common sense.
The cross pollination of these so called suicide genes with wild and other non-genetically modified crops could have disastrous consequences for all but the Corporations involved in profiting from it.
Wide spread cross pollination of genetically modified, privately owned food stock appears to be the direction we are going in. We are fast approaching a world where food on earth will be the result of the diabolical work of a hand full of very rich, very powerful corporations who are completely consumed by their desire for profit.
Today, I will take you deeper into the rabbit hole in an attempt to tie several seemingly un-related issues together. Which will reveal, in my opinion, a sinister plot by a some very powerful elite business people and bureaucrats to take a firmer grip of control on the world by controlling food.
The rhetoric shows there are very powerful and often extremely rich people who believe they can control the world and it's inhabitants by controlling food.
I want to make clear that everything discussed herein can easily be verified and confirmed. Although some of the subject matter may have been relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media, that fact should not prevent you from double checking the facts and making a determination for yourself.
The History
Most complicated stories, begin far in the past and this one is no different. It's 1925 and fortunes are being made in many industries. The Railroads, Oil, Banking, Chemical , Agricultural and Pharmaceutical industries are all coming of age.
In Germany, eight companies are making plans to merge and pool their resources in an effort to increase their power and profits. The companies all manufacture synthetic dye. Together they produce 90% of all the dye sold in the world. Together they will be more powerful than any of them could be alone, so they became one.
It's December of 1925, the new firm would be called Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG Farben which is known as IG Farben.
The new firm merged giants in the fields of Pharmaceuticals and Chemical. The companies were BASF, Bayer, Hoechst (including Cassella and Chemische Fabrik Kalle), Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler Ter Meer.
By 1938, IG Farben is the forth largest corporation in the world with 208,000 employees. Only General Motors, US Steel, and Standard Oil are larger.
During World War Two , IG Farben works closely with the Nazi's in various aspects of the war effort. Later during the Nuremburg tribunals the records shows that both before and during the war , IG Farben had been the largest financial supporters of Hitler.
IG Farben built the largest corporate plant in war time Europe, that plant was named Auschwitz. The entire evil project was financed by The German Bank and Dresdner Bank on behalf of IG Farben. Auschwitz was the size of 6000 football fields.The labor was provided by the Nazis in the form of captured Jews, Gypsies, and others the Nazis wanted to rid themselves of. IG Farben made use of these human spoils of war and staffed it's factories with them. They worked them, literally to death. When the slave laborers became too weak or ill to work, IG Farben sent them to their deaths, many from one of IG Farben's products, Zyclon B poison gas..
Why would a multi-national conglomerate help a crazed killer like Hitler? What would they have to gain? The answer is simple, sick and painfully obvious. They were in it for the profit.
The Tribunals went on to discover that the horrid experiments conducted at Auschwitz and other death camps, were projects conducted by IG Farben, attempting to develop new products and potential products for future profits. They were taking advantage of a ample supply of human test subjects and absence of any moral restraints to expedite scientific advancements that they believed would reap profits in the future.
The men that ran IG Farben, the same men that had arranged the financing of Hitlers rise to power, became partners in Hitlers conquest, taking for themselves the commercial spoils of war in the form of existing industrial plants and facilities in Poland and Czechoslovakia and other places that the Nazi's controlled.
The fact that at the time this was happening IG Farben was the biggest Pharmaceutical company in the world brings us to an understanding of the type of men who sat in it's board rooms at that time and it may give us insight into the minds of the men and women who sit in the board rooms of the multi-national chemical, pharmaceutical and agribusiness corporations of today.
Take the test at the : Profit over Life website to understand the depths of IG Farbens evil past.
The men that managed IG Farben during the war years were all convicted at Nuremberg of a diverse set of crimes, including slavery and other crimes against humanity. They received average sentences of 8 years and most only spent 4 years in prison.
Their previous positions of power helped them re-enter society and many later rose to the highest positions within large corporations involved in the businesses they knew best, Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals.
In 1962, with the support of some of the most powerful Pharmaceutical, chemical and agricultural companies, one of those men, Edmund ter Meer, former president of IG Farben during the war years, helped to create an entity by the name of Codex Alimentarius.
It's mission statement can be found on the Codex Alimentarius web site.
“ The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations.”
The FAO is the Food and Agriculture Organization and the WHO is the World Health Organization. Both are branches of the United Nations.
Codex Alimentarius is a council that has no powers of enforcement . It sets standards for food safety and advises the FAO and The WHO on a variety of food related issues. Codex is the basis on which the World Trade Organization arbitrates international trade disputes related to food safety standards.
Members of the WTO have agreed to "harmonize" their standards to Codex Alimentarius as of December 31, 2009. At that time the members of the World Trade Organization will relinquish a portion of their sovereignty to comply with this other wise powerless body.
Although they have no power of enforcement Codex Alimentarius influences the “worlds” organizations, (WTO, FAO a& WHO) who collectively rule over us. They are setting standards by which we will live and die. Should we be alarmed?
Why should we be alarmed that Codex will soon be setting the standards of the quality of our food?
Should we be alarmed because Codex , was created, by the corporate interest that adulterate our food and then sell us our medicines ? How do we know whose interest they are looking after? What will be the affect of the implementation of their policies worldwide?
Many physicians and scientist say the standards they have set and are attempting to establish are disasters waiting to happen. Some say billions will die as a result. Others claim that it is one part of a larger plan by a few wealthy elite to reduce the population of the planet from 6 billion to 500 million in the coming years.
Are they actually trying to reduce the population of the planet, are they in the position to carry out such a horrific plan? Does such a plan exist?
Those and other questions will be answered in Part 3: Dying to Eat, Eating to Die.
In the mean time, this video is extremely informative and it is a must see for anyone wanting to understand the full implications of Codex and how it will affect life on earth.
Dr. Rima Laibow MD speaks about Codex Alimentarius.
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