However, I also love my daughter and I will not spare her the wrath when she deserves it. So in keeping with the tradition of declaring what is good for the goose, I must call my homeboy President out on what I would call Obama Okie Dokes.
For those that are not initiated into the order of cultural idioms I'll first explain what the “ Okie Doke” is.
In plain terms it's a deception. A break from stated positions or in some, more devious situations it can also be a deliberate overt act of saying one thing and doing another. The okie doke is when you pay for the full service premium unleaded and the attendant purposely pumps the low octane junk. It's the assurances one gives that turn out not to be a complete truth. It's the polished and perfected domain of professional Politicians and it could be a result of any number of things, not the least of which is a overall lack of respect for those that are being okie doked.
President Obama has his own set of okie dokes and in my opinion, if those that support him don't call a spade a spade when it actually is a spade, what we get as a result will be partly our fault.
In researching this concept I came across plenty of sources claiming to be charting the “lies” Obama has told, but those sources tended to open with his birth records and I therefore dismissed the entirety of the remaining gibberish, out of respect for my own intellect. But there are some areas that Barack appears to have performed a royal Okie Doke ballet, of sorts. That is what I will attempt to chronicle here.
Warrant less Wiretapping
Naturally I, like most Americans, are not privy to the complete national security picture our President sees when he takes the reigns as commander in chief , so there may be situations and circumstances that have caused Obama to act in ways that I classify as okie dokish.
Every believer in the US Constitution was up in arms when we learned about the Bush administrations
shenanigans with regard to the covert wiretapping of Americans, without the appropriate warrants. By the time we learned about that aspect of the Bush Admins. game, we perhaps, were so punch drunk with affronts to our scared Constitution, that we just shook our heads and thought to ourselves WTF?
But it's safe to say that those that voted, like I did, for Obama, took him at his word, when while campaigning he stated over and over again that he represented “Change” in all areas that we disapproved of the Bushites actions.
But the Obama administration has not only not delivered that change in the area of “domestic surveillance” , some say the Justice Department under Obama, has taken it to a whole new level.
Not only has the Holder Justice department picked up where Bush's DOJ left off, they have landed a few more body blows to our constitution.
According to pre-election Obama, he stated that the Bush administration “ invoked a legal tool known as the 'state secrets' privilege more than any other previous administration to get cases thrown out of civil court."
What does that mean, materially?
It was a Bush Admin tactic to claim in front of courts that the mere hearing of the case before the court would do devastating harm to national security and therefore what ever suit or case was before the court should not be heard, aired or allowed to continue. A kind if “get out of a suit. Free” card. Obama, pointed to this as a problem before the election, and now, the Holder Justice Department has adopted the same ploy. That's an okie doke, in my book.
Why is this important?
Lets say you feel that your privacy was invaded and that the government was breeching your constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and you filed suit to stop it. Without allowing any evidence or hearing arguments, the government court, dismisses your case based on the unverifiable claim by the government, that even hearing the case would damage national security.. That's a kind of bullshit that can be smelled from miles away. Bush did it and Barack is allowing it to continue. The Okie Doke.
To make matters worse, the Justice department under Obama now takes the position that they are immune to all suits or actions concerning alleged violations of federal statues as it relates to spying and national security intelligence gathering. WTF?
Bush never tried that one. But that's the stated position of the current administration, that I voted for.
Health care reform to Health Insurance mandates.
We all remember the presidential debates and the effort Obama put in distinguishing his platform from Mrs. Clintons. He took issue with the “Mandates” that Clinton had as a part of her stated plan.
We also remember him saying, several times a day, that he was the one that could reform health care and cover the 47 million Americans without health insurance. Somehow, gradually the Presidential steelow has changed, for the worst.
Of late the term Health Care reform has turned to Health Insurance reform. To some that may mean the same thing, but I know the Insurance industry and that signals that we have been sold out on real reform. On top of that, I hear that mandates will most likely be a part of the final bill. That only benefits the Insurance industry.
I remember when the State of California was going through the Auto Insurance debate and process of legislation in the late 80's. I know that now it's accepted that you are required to have insurance before you can register a car in California. It's mandated, by law. Don't seem so bad, right?
What most Californians don't remember and may have never known, is that the chairman of the Insurance committee at that time , Alan Robbins was later charged with extorting money from special interests. Among them Insurance companies. Oh yea, he was a democrat from Van Nuys, California and, he was sentenced to five years in prison , and Californians got life with mandatory auto insurance.
Another Obama Okie Doke that is still in the process of being implemented is the switch to mandatory health insurance rather than Health care for the poor and chronically ill. That's a Okie Doke we need to collectively stand in opposition to. It's not what he campaigned, but it looks like that is what were getting .
So, Barack H. Obama, is indeed my homeboy, and in the foregoing areas( I'm sure there are more examples)he needs to get his shit back on track. Or be judged as a Okie Doker.
What do you think?
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Hey Pete, J.T. here. I think you're on to something and you've nailed it down about the Obama okiedoke. As much as I admire and respect his skills/intellect he appears to lack the courage of his convictions on the very issues he seemed to be so passionate about during the campaign. He's either getting bad advice or doesn't have the stomach for a fight. Even if it means being a one term President he should go down swinging rather than being so accomadating on matters of such grave import. P.S. You're fighting the good fight. Talk to you soon. Power to the People!
ReplyDeleterev. wright put it best JT,Obama isnt a man of princple and conviction he is a POLITICIAN, his haters have called him everything BUT what he really is..a POLITICIAN
ReplyDeleteVery thoughtful and true