Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eat at your own Risk - Part 4b - The Connections and the Connected

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
Donald Rumsfeld

Which foods in the supermarket are genetically modified? Don't know? There are no requirements to label them as such. Someone doesn't want you to know that they have genetically modified your tomato or ear of corn. . They don't want you to make wise decisions about what you consume. As far as you know you may be eating a Vegan diet of GM fruits and Veggies.

Here we are at the mercy of the Multi-national corporations that own our governments and have apparently put a substantial down payment on the rest of the world.

But do they have bad intentions?

In Elbert County Georgia there stands what some call the American Stone henge. Some know them as the Georgia Guide Stones, most have never heard of them.

The mysterious stones were commissioned and placed by unknown parties but the message they are inscribed with points in the direction of entities that cling to Eugenics and have the power to manifest the changes they proclaim.

They read as follows:

  • Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  • Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
  • Unite humanity with a living new language.
  • Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
  • Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  • Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  • Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  • Balance personal rights with social duties.
  • Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
  • Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature

The guide stones seem harmless until you do the math.

The people that paid to place these stones want to “maintain Humanity” under 500million people.

We humans are 6 billion strong on the planet earth. Someone wants to erase 5.5 billion of us?

The second “goal” on the list smacks of Eugenics. In fact it could double as the definition of Eugenics.

The belief that there is a plan/plot to reduce the population of Earth by billions is one held by millions of people. I am one of those people.

The proof of this plan is mostly anecdotal and is largely the result of deductive reasoning. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission, The secretive Bilderberg Group and many other advisory organizations have perpetuated that belief by publishing papers on the subject of world population and the disastrous consequences of inaction in the field of population control.

The UN and it's wealth of advisory boards and councils has been talking about Population Control for as long as they have been around. The WTO is reported to hold back funding from third world nations if they fail to implement and follow the recommendations to control birth rates that the UN has set as acceptable.

The modern Eugenicist does not have to convince the ultra-wealthy of the need to control and perhaps reduce the population. It's well understood that population control is a mandate. For generations they have been working towards the goal of genetically cleansing the planet.

In researching this piece I have come across dozens of papers and studies by think tanks and advisory boards that talk about the problem of over population.

None ever discuss how they plan to accomplish their population reduction goals which is to increase the death rate and reduce the birth rate.

How would one go about killing 5.5 billion humans? Bullets? Would take too long, too noisy and cost to much, plus who shoots the guns and cleans up the brain matter and blood?

Bombs? Could be, if they were big enough to take out large numbers, but those kinds of bombs have the bad habit of rendering the land on which they fall, toxic for many thousands of years.

Could war be the way?

War is always good for large numbers of deaths, so that one seems plausible . Invade Iraq and Afghanistan and stand by while the Hutu's massacre the Tutsi, and visa versa and let that west bank thing continue as long as there is hatred and revenge. But that still won't approach the 5.5 Billion goal..

Maybe Thomas Malthus was on to something when he described the “positive” restraints on over population. Maybe Epidemic is the way to go ! Yes, disease it the way to go. But there hasn't been a disease that took out decent numbers of humans since the Spanish Flu of 1918. That flu bug annihilated 50 Million. Now were talking.!

Side note : Everyone I have ever known to get a Flu shot, got the flu. Go figure.

So disease is the way to knock off several billion people. Which disease is the question?

There are legions of people that believe AIDS was engineered in a lab. I am one of those people. However AIDS killed less people last year than MRSA did.

Don't know what MRSA is? Neither did I, until it introduced itself to a tiny mosquito bite on my leg last year. Turns out MRSA is more deadly than all of the diseases we have been conditioned the think are the most rampant killers. None of them kill more people than MRSA , and it's unlikely you or your doctor could recognize it if showed up on your finger tomorrow.

It's out there and more dangerous than you can imagine.

“ In fact, all of the recorded worldwide recorded deaths from Ebola, SARS, and avian flu to date combined — 2,621 — are fewer than the number of Americans who die of MRSA every two months. MRSA also annually kills more Americans than AIDS, yet the federal AIDS research budget is over 13 times larger than that for the whole field of antimicrobial resistance.”
Hysteria-driven Disease Spending Is Killing Us

by Michael Fumento

The thing about MRSA is that if you are lucky enough to have access to medical care and then lucky enough to be properly diagnosed , there is no guarantee that you will be cured. MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus . Which means this Staph infection is now immune to most of the drugs available to treat it. If you have a MRSA infection you will need to use two or three or maybe even four powerful and expensive antibiotics to beat it.

The cost of those antibiotics seem to correlate to their effectiveness. The effective ones cost as much as $5.00 per dose, or 15.00 a day and the average treatment period is at least 10 days. Some Staphylococcus infections can take months to cure, all the while you are combining and doubling doses of antibiotics.

Yet, without daily medical treatments to drain the wound, which are terribly painful procedures, the MRSA infections will continue to spread. Drainage of the abbess is a crucial aspect of successful treatment with anti-botics. One with out the other is a sure way to lose a limb or die.

In the US, we do have access to medical care, generally. It may cost a fortune and cause you to lose every thing you have worked to get but, even without health insurance you can see a doctor in America.

What happens to the people who actually can not see a doctor? What happens to the billions of people that live on less than two dollars a day when they get a MRSA infection? In the slums of Mumbai? The hills of Peru? Surely without the ability to pay for the medication they will not do well.

Equally disturbing and something that raises flags about MRSA is. I have heard over and over again about people that present themselves to their doctors with obvious MRSA infection, and remarkably are repeatedly mis-diagnosed as having been the victims of a “spider bite”.

That is what a doctor told me.

I doubled checked the facts, searched for experts and educated myself about spiders and realized that my doctor hadn't a clue. The spider he claimed to have bit me doesn't exist where I live. I spoke with a spider expert and confirmed my research and then he, the arachnologist told me what it was that was causing so much pain, expense and bewilderment. He told me it was MRSA.

Why was he so sure? Because I wasn't the first to call him and inquire about the “spider bite” they had been diagnosed with. He had done the research and discovered MRSA was the culprit. But my doctor did not have a clue and tried to convince me that it was a spider bite and that it was extremely common.

He was wrong and I provided him with a stack of studies, and clinical reports and to his credit he rethought his position and added another , less common antibiotic to my regiment and that, after two weeks, started to get it under control.

After my battle with MRSA I tallied what I had spent on antibiotics well over $500.00 between pain medication and antibiotics. That is not to mentioned the $1,500.00 my doctor cost. Big Pharma got a chunk-o- change from lots of people like me from one, little known, deadly bug.

The lack of media attention makes me wonder why this is not on the front pages of our and highlighted daily on cable news, like the death of a pop star or the personal sexual endeavors of our elected officials.

But all is not lost. MRSA and all the other killer ailments would still not reach the goal of reducing by 5.5 billion the earths population. We have survived on this planet for many eons. Our natural defenses are keen on helping us beat germs and viruses. We are resilient and resourceful and intelligent.An Epidemics would need to be something new that no one had immunity against.

Unless there was a way to lower mankind's immunity. Make humans more susceptible to old and new germs and viruses and cancers and heart ailments and forms of diabetes and what ever else kills us.

How could that happen? Could it happen?

The only way to do that would be to tamper with the one thing all humans have in common.


What do you think?

Soulfood anyone?

Tomorrow the conclusion: Eat at your own risk Part 5: Boycott Everything !

Andrew Kimbrell on Genetic Engineering and Ownership of Life
MP3 -Download it and listen to it on the way to work.

Population Control Agenda - 10:00 - Eugenics, Pharma - Alex Jones

David Rockefeller - on Over Population

Modern Eugenics - Population Control

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